人民的游戏:全球足球协会史,1860-1939HIST10419People's Games: A History of the Global Football Association, 1860-1939HIST10419
超越独裁:拉丁美洲的人权HIST10422Beyond dictatorship: human rights in Latin America
权力的风景:巴西及其历史HIST10423Scenery of power: Brazil and its history
科学与帝国:从启蒙到去殖民化,1750-1965HIST10434Science and empire: from enlightenment to decolonization, 1750-1965
没有免费的礼物:捐赠的悠久历史HIST10436There is no free gift: the long history of donation
《九件事》中的现代世界史HIST10440Modern World History in Nine Things
人物和漫画:英国的印刷图像,1700-1820HIST10466People and cartoons: printed images in Britain, 1700-1820
人类帝国的兴衰?人类世的历史HIST10469The rise and fall of the human empire? History of the Anthropocene
奥斯曼现代化:19世纪的社会、经济和文化HIST10472Ottoman modernization: society, economy and culture in the 19th century
黑欧洲:欧洲现代史中的非洲人经历和身份HIST10476Black Europe: African Experience and Identity in Modern European History
大西洋世界的狂欢节:游戏、权力和政治HIST10479Carnival in the Atlantic world: games, power and politics
现代中东的革命和改革HIST10489Revolution and reform in the modern Middle East
全球亚洲:早期现代世界的接触、交流和殖民主义HIST10491Global Asia: Contact, Communication and Colonialism in the Early Modern World
现代性史导论HIST10492Introduction to modern sexual history
摇摆的六十年代?探索英国的文化和社会,c. 1956-1974SCHI10074Swinging sixties? Exploring British culture and society, c. 1956-1974
皇后及其他:罗马帝国的女性ANHI10052Empress and others: women in the Roman Empire ANHI10052
古代超级大国:罗马和波斯的军队和军事纪念碑ANHI10055Ancient superpowers: armies and military monuments in Rome and Persia ANHI10055
亚历山大之后ANHI10056After Alexander ANHI10056
古希腊奴隶制ANHI10057Ancient Greek slavery ANHI10057