从盟约革命到詹姆斯二世党人叛乱:苏格兰政治,1638-1747SCHI10077From Covenant Revolution to James II Party Rebellion: Scottish Politics, 1638-1747
中国经济的传统与变革,1842-1949ECSH10087Tradition and Reform of China Economy, 1842-1949
1949年以来中国经济的传统与转型ECSH10088Tradition and transformation of China's economy since 1949
1930-1990年英国的时间、经济和资源分配ECSH10094Time, economy and resource allocation in Britain from 1930 to 1990
魔鬼饮料:在英国和爱尔兰生产、消费和反对酒精,约1760年至1921年ECSH10107Devil's drink: the production, consumption and opposition of alcohol in Britain and Ireland, about 1760-1921
日本:政治、文化与社会变迁1868-1952HIST10049Japan: Political, Cultural and Social Changes 1868-1952
20世纪60年代的美国HIST10103American HIST10103 in 1960s
美国的黑人民族主义HIST10116American black nationalism
现代爱尔兰的形成,1798-1940:政治与社会HIST10281The Formation of Modern Ireland, 1798-1940: Politics and Society
复辟时期的西班牙,1875-1923HIST10302Spain in the Restoration Period, 1875-1923
革命的俄罗斯,1861-1921HIST10337Revolutionary Russia, 1861-1921
二十世纪的战争与记忆HIST10341War and memory in the twentieth century
第三帝国1933-1945HIST10359The Third Reich 1933-1945HIST10359
现代性与种族灭绝HIST10380Modernity and genocide
白人的负担:种族、性别和维多利亚帝国HIST10383The burden of white people: race, gender and Victorian empire
印刷文化与启蒙运动:爱丁堡和伦敦,1710-1814HIST10389Printing Culture and Enlightenment: Edinburgh and London, 1710-1814
从寡头政治到民主:1828-1928年英国和爱尔兰的政治改HIST10395From oligarchy to democracy: political reform in Britain and Ireland from 1828 to 1928.
中国近代早期的文化与社会HIST10412China's culture and society in early modern times