在前现代手稿和印刷书籍中描绘科学HIAR10186Describing science in pre-modern manuscripts and printed books
想象美洲:文艺复兴时期大西洋的制图学和生态学HIAR10188Imagining America: Cartography and Ecology in Renaissance Atlantic
阿兹特克帝国艺术HIAR10195Aztec imperial art
战时:从七年战争(1756-63)到滑铁卢战役(1815)的英国艺术中的军事遭遇HIAR10198Wartime: Military Encounters in British Art from the Seven Years' War (1756-63) to the Battle of Waterloo (1815)
帝国、殖民地、艺术:南亚漫长的十九世纪HIAR10201Empire, Colony and Art: The Long 19th Century in South Asia
伊朗的历史和文化IMES10099Iranian history and culture
罗马帝国的贸易、商业和社会法律10174Trade, commerce and social laws of the Roman Empire
十八世纪苏格兰的奴隶制法律10185Slavery law in Scotland in the eighteenth century
中世纪苏格兰的领主和封臣法律10186Law of lords and vassals in medieval Scotland
现代主权的基础法律10188The basic law of modern sovereignty 10188
格兰移民传统SCET10011Gran immigrant tradition
传统戏剧SCET10013Traditional drama
苏格兰的物质文化SCET10031Scottish material culture
传统叙事:理论与实践SCET10033Traditional Narration: Theory and Practice
档案和翻译SCET10035Archives and translation
传统歌曲-苏格兰SCET10036Traditional songs-SCET10036 in Scotland
博物馆与文化再现:苏格兰国家博物馆的九次对话SCET10038Museums and Cultural Reproduction: Nine Dialogues of Scottish National Museum
体育、旅游和遗产SPRT10055Sports, Tourism and Heritage SPRT10055
现代科学和医学史专题STIS10015Special topic of modern science and medical history
历史论文HIST10309Historical paper
创新与危机:金融资本主义的兴起与磨难,约1600年至今ECSH10099Innovation and crisis: the rise and suffering of financial capitalism, from about 1600 to the present .
1500-1800年英国的廉价印刷品和流行文化ECSH10103Cheap printed matter and popular culture in Britain from 1500 to 1800
1750年以来英国的疾病、医学和社会ECSH10106Diseases, medicine and society in Britain since 1750
甘地与印度民众运动1915-1950HIST10092Gandhi and Indian popular movement 1915-1950
美国的非裔美国人民权运动HIST10155The African-American civil rights movement in the United States
1945年至1990年间美国右翼势力的崛起HIST10306The Rise of American Right-wing Forces from 1945 to 1990
美国内战:历史与记忆HIST10334American Civil War: History and Memory
斯大林的俄罗斯,1921-1941HIST10336Stalin's Russia, 1921-1941
变得现代:1780年以来爱尔兰的社会与文化HIST10360Modernizing: Irish society and culture since 1780