殖民时期拉丁美洲的全球建筑ARHI10051Global architecture in colonial Latin America
可持续遗产:通过遗产管理实现历史正义和环境行动ARHI10056Sustainable Heritage: Historical Justice and Environmental Action through Heritage Management
生活在法国,1570-1970ARHI10057Living in France, 1570-1970
中国和日本:国家发展、国际关系和跨国融合ASST10149China and Japan: National Development, International Relations and Transnational Integration
韩国发展的政治经济学ASST10152Political Economy of South Korea's Development
韩国历史、文化和社会ASST10154Korean history, culture and society
中世纪威尔士文学CELT10008Medieval Welsh literature
马恩岛:语言、文化和历史CELT10032Isle of Man: Language, Culture and History
人类的边界:中世纪文学中的性别、疯狂和狼人CLLC10008The boundary of mankind: gender, madness and werewolf in medieval literature
基督教正统的形成325-451DIVI10021The formation of Christian orthodoxy 325-451
改革:英国和爱尔兰1475-1600DIVI10036Reform: Britain and Ireland 1475-1600
死海古卷DIVI10054Dead Sea Scrolls
新约世界中的女性和性别DIVI10056Women and Gender in the New Testament World
伟大的俄罗斯小说ELCR10002The great Russian novel
尼诺斯克语言和文学ELCS10011Ninosk language and literature
维京研究ELCS10034Viking research
古迹重现:想象庞贝和赫库兰尼姆HIAR10008Reconstruction of Historic Sites: Imagine Pompeii and Herculaneum
罪人、圣徒和先知:600-900年间的苏格兰、爱尔兰和英格兰艺术HIAR10068Sinners, Saints and Prophets: Art in Scotland, Ireland and England during 600-900.
中国书画:中国的精英世界HIAR10106China's Painting and Calligraphy: China's Elite World
从摇篮到坟墓:从霍尔拜因到荷加斯的英国艺术与社会HIAR10143From cradle to grave: British art and society from holbein to Hogarth
诗学、虔诚、政治:走近印度绘画1500-1900HIAR10149Poetics, piety and politics: approaching Indian painting 1500-1900
佛的幻象:中世纪日本的宗教艺术HIAR10163The illusion of Buddha: the religious art of medieval Japan
大哈里发时代的艺术650-1250HIAR10165Art in the era of the great caliph 650-1250
浪漫主义者,反叛者和复兴主义者:从苏格兰高地格伦到苏格兰圣殿,苏格兰艺术1850-1927HIAR10169Romantic, Rebel and Revival: From Glen in the Highlands of Scotland to the Temple of Scotland, Scottish Art 1850-1927
革命的艺术:俄罗斯视觉文化的一个世纪HIAR10174The art of revolution: a century of Russian visual culture