数学教育 MATH30002Mathematics Education
线性分析 MATH31002Linear Analysis
分形几何 MATH31042Fractal Geometry
拓扑学 MATH31051Topology
群论 MATH32001Group Theory
交换代数 MATH32012Commutative Algebra
编码理论 MATH32031Coding Theory
双曲线几何 MATH32052Hyperbolic Geometry
代数几何 MATH32062Algebraic Geometry
数论 MATH32072Number Theory
组合学和图论 MATH32091Combinatorics and Graph Theory
数理逻辑 MATH33021Mathematical Logic
复杂分析和应用 MATH34011Complex Analysis&Applications
格林函数、积分方程及其应用 MATH34031Green's Functions, Integral Equations and Applications
粘性流体流动 MATH35002Viscous Fluid Flow
波动 MATH35012Wave Motion
弹性 MATH35021Elasticity
数学生物学 MATH35032Mathematical Biology
有限星球的数学 MATH35062Mathematics of a Finite Planet
几何和自然中的对称性 MATH35082Symmetry in Geometry and Nature
矩阵分析法 MATH36001Matrix Analysis
数值分析 2MATH36022Numerical Analysis 2
用计算机解决问题 MATH36031Problem Solving by Computer
凸规划 MATH36062Convex Optimization
鞅及其在金融中的应用 MATH37001Martingales with Applications to Finance
马尔可夫过程 MATH37012Markov Processes
统计推断 MATH38001Statistical Inference
时间序列分析 MATH38032Time Series Analysis
医用统计学 MATH38072Medical Statistics
回归分析 MATH38141Regression Analysis
多元统计和机器学习 MATH38161Multivariate Statistics and Machine Learning
广义线性模型 MATH38172Generalised Linear Models
金融数学建模 MATH39032Mathematical Modelling in Finance
精算模型 MATH39511Actuarial Models
精算科学的生存分析 MATH39512Survival Analysis for Actuarial Science
意外开支 2MATH39522Contingencies 2
风险理论 MATH39542Risk Theory
论文学期 1PHIL30001Dissertation Semester 1
论文学期 2PHIL30002Dissertation Semester 2
认识论中的问题 PHIL30331Issues in Epistemology
心理学哲学 PHIL30362Philosophy of Psychology
行动哲学 PHIL30552Philosophy of Action
美学高级课题 PHIL30622Advanced Topics in Aesthetics
数学哲学 PHIL30721Philosophy of Mathematics
语言和压迫 PHIL30811Language & Oppression
元伦理学和宗教语言 PHIL30842Metaethics and Religious Language
存在主义 PHIL33002Existentialism