可选模块 Optional module
偏微分方程高级专题 Advanced topics on partial differential equations
代数3Algebra 3
代数组合学Algebraic combinatorics
代数数论algebraic number theory
代数拓扑algebraic topology
应用复分析Applied complex analysis
应用概率论Applied probability theory
渐近方法Asymptotic method
分叉理论Bifurcation theory
交流数学Ac mathematics
计算线性代数Computational linear algebra
计算偏微分方程Calculation of partial differential equation
消费者信贷风险建模Consumer credit risk modeling
动力系统power system
游戏和学习的动力学Dynamics of Games and Learning
有限元:数值分析和实现Finite element: numerical analysis and implementation
流体动力学1Fluid dynamics 1
流体动力学2Fluid dynamics ii
函数空间及其应用Function space and its application
泛函分析functional analysis
伽罗瓦理论Galois theory
几何复分析Geometric complex analysis
群表示理论Group representation theory
群论group theory
高性能计算High performance computing
地球物理流体动力学导论Introduction to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
马尔可夫过程Markov process
数学生物学Mathematical biology
数学金融:期权定价导论Mathematical Finance: An Introduction to Option Pricing
数理逻辑mathematical logic
商业和经济数学Business and economic mathematics
数学研究项目Mathematical research project
数据科学方法Data science method
数论number theory
常微分方程的数值解Numerical solutions of ordinary differential equations
概率论probability theory
量子力学1Quantum mechanics 1
量子力学2Quantum mechanics ii
科学计算Scientific computing
狭义相对论和电磁学Special relativity and electromagnetism
统计建模Statistical modeling
统计理论statistical theory
随机模拟stochastic simulation
生存模型Survival model
张量微积分和广义相对论Tensor calculus and general relativity
复杂系统理论Complex system theory
时间序列分析time series analysis