理解牛顿定律Understand Newton's law
理解平衡原理并画出“自由体图”Understand the principle of balance and draw a "free body diagram"
区分静定结构和不定结构Distinguish statically determinate structure from indeterminate structure.
理解线性弹性行为的概念Understand the concept of linear elastic behavior
理解不同结构构件的行为以及它们所受的力Understand the behavior of different structural members and the forces they are subjected to.
统计确定铰接桁架分析Statistical determination of hinged truss analysis
计算并绘制静定梁的剪力和弯矩图Calculate and draw the shear force and bending moment diagram of statically determinate beam
计算梁中由于剪切和弯曲产生的应力Calculate the stress caused by shear and bending in the beam
计算静定梁的挠度Calculate the deflection of statically determinate beam
理解虚功的原理Understand the principle of virtual work
应用虚功原理计算桁架挠度Calculation of truss deflection by virtual work principle
计算并绘制静定框架中的剪力和弯矩图Calculate and draw shear force and bending moment diagrams in statically indeterminate frames.
应用虚功原理计算静定框架的挠度Calculation of deflection of statically indeterminate frame by virtual work principle
理解结构构件设计中遵循的方法Understand the methods followed in the design of structural members
理解弹性屈曲和欧拉理论Understanding elastic buckling and Euler theory